Monday, June 4, 2018

Week 95 of 101!!!!!! We're getting close folks!

Baptism in May
Elder Casco, Elder ???, President Santos, Elder Cure & Elder Wolfe

Elder Wolfe, Elder Casco, President Santos, Elder Rothwell (maybe?) & Elder ???

Elder Wolfe, Elder Casco, & President Santos

Elder Wolfe, Sister Santos, President Santos, & Elder Casco

Mother's Day with Sister Santos. Jeff calls her his second mom.   She keeps him in line.

Jeff never writes letters any more but he does send lots of pictures without descriptions.  Hopefully he can fill in the blanks when he gets home in 45 days!!!!  We're all excited.  Today starts his last transfer.  He'll be finishing his mission in the office.  He'll of served there for 9 months.  He loves it & adores his mission president & his wife.  He has a great comp.  He does most of the driving and just last week drove 650 miles.  Dominican Republic roads can be challenging & requires patience, but of course Jeff loves it.  His meds to kill his parasite seem to be working.  He's slowly gaining weight back.  He's still pretty skinny.  He's nervous to come home & sad to do so.  He loves the work.  Just what a parent wants to hear.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 91: Concert with President & Sister Santos

Another week in the Dominican Republic.  Elder Wolfe adores his mission president & his wife.  They take very good care of them.  They all went to a concert this week with a new member family.  He enjoyed it.  Makes a momma's heart swell with joy when you hear he enjoyed the symphony.  Wow!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dominican Republic Beach near Haiti

Photo by Elder Wolfe

Week 89: "You're right Hermana Sanots!"

Elder Castco, Elder Wolfe, Elder Cure, President Santos, Hermana Santos

I obviously haven't posted anything about Jeff since Nov.  He doesn't write letters anymore.  On Mondays he logs onto Hangouts & we have short chats ..... sometimes.  Other times, you can't get him to log off.  He does send lots of cool pictures.  No explanation of what's going on in those pictures, but I'll take them!  We haven't heard from him more than "sorry, busy" for 3 weeks, so I begged for an update.  He delivered.  

He is staying in the office again & may finish his mission there.  He only has 2 transfers to go.  He really loves his mission president.  He calls Hermana Santos, the mission president's wife, his second mom & it sounds like she calls him on everything.  Gotta love a gal like that!  

From Jeff's Hangout comment, "Something I always do with Hermana Santos when ever she says it was me even though it wasn’t like leaving the door open or something I fight it for a second than I just tell her “your right Hermana Santos! It was me! I did it! Your right! I’m wrong! You know all things!” & president just starts dying of laughter haha!"

He has lost a LOT of weight & finally went to the doctor.   They suspect he has had a bacteria in his stomach for a year.  They're testing to see what kind of bacteria & hopefully will find some kind of medication to kill it.  He says it doesn't hurt or even make him tired, he's just never hungry.  You'll see in the pictures, he's quite thin.  

The entire mission went to the temple over a three day period, so he got to go for 3 days.  He loved it.

We received his flight plans for his return in July & he arrives in Portland on Thursday, July 19th (Hannah's 18th birthday) at 8:22pm.  Crazy!!

They had 2 baptisms this weekend.  They were part member families in their ward.  He has REALLY loved proselyting again.  They squeeze in the time between their administrative duties.  He really likes Elder Castco.  They work well together.

It's all I got, but I'm happy to hear anything.  Please keep him in your prayers.


Elder Wolfe & Elder Cure

Elder Wolfe & Elder Cure eating a President Santos Sandwich